Food and its preparation is arguably the cornerstone of society that brings people together like nothing else can. As health food knowledge becomes more readily available, the number of North Americans spending more on good quality food is sky rocketing.
Navigating the regulatory foods world is complex due to Health Canada’s strict regulations on its many food and “food like” categories. Unsure about whether or not your product is a regular food, a supplemented food, or perhaps a novel product that should be considered a food? Whether you have a new and exciting product and would like guidance on how it would be categorized, or want a better understanding of the requirements or allowable health claims for a good old-fashioned regular food item, Innovate Phytoceuticals is here to bridge the gap between the regulations and your product to ensure compliance in all aspects.
Not all foods are foods! An innovative exciting food product may be a good idea but what do you have to do to make sure that it isn’t pulled from the shelves for not being compliant? There may be new ingredients in your product or a new process that makes your product novel. If you have any doubts about whether astragalus and ashwagandha can be in your smoothie powder or whether you can put bioflavonoids in your fruit juice, contact us. We can help to determine which category your product falls into and give you a complete synopsis of what you will need to do to make sure you meet all the regulatory requirements.
A wise man once said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Trends are showing that in North America more people are spending a significant amount of their earnings on healthier foods. Shopping at health food stores and researching what they are buying is not uncommon. Health Canada has recognized that there is a demand for a category of food product that has added benefits. Supplemented foods meet the interface of food & health products and is a growing category of product. What do you need to break into this market? What can you put in your food product? Need more information, Innovate Phytoceuticals can respond to any of your questions and help you with your product concept, develop it, validate it and get it approved.
What about good old-fashioned food? Everyday foods also need to meet food regulations and these are also evolving with changes from Health Canada, Canadian Food Agency and the coming into force of the Safe Foods for Canadians Act. Brand holders need to continuously look out for ever changing regulations. Alternatively Innovate Phytoceuticals can do it for you. You do not need to scour the pages and pages of information on health Canada and CFIA websites, that’s our job! Be informed, contact us!
Did you know that there are health claims that can be made on food products? These can be nutrient content claims, structure function claims, organic claims and other such claims. Health Canada is also in consultation phases of negative nutrient claims on foods. The front of packaging labelling initiative is underway and will affect a lot of brand holders. This may well lead brand holders to reformulate product in order not to have to label in this way. Innovate Phytoceuticals can not only keep you informed but can help you redesign product.